
What Causes Indoor Allergies?

Seasonal allergies are one thing, but what about indoor allergies that bother you year-round? Many people are plagued by breathing difficulties, congestion, sneezing, itching and more allergic reactions in their own homes.

If you suffer from watery eyes, a runny nose and "stuffy" feeling throughout the year, you aren't alone. More than 50 million Americans struggle with allergies every year, and allergies are the sixth-leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S., according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.

What are the most common indoor allergy triggers?

You can't treat allergies if you don't know what's causing them. Before you can take any steps to reduce your symptoms, you have to learn about the most frequent allergens and where they come from.


An adult human sheds around 1 million skin cells per day. All that skin has to go somewhere, and it usually winds up settled on the surfaces of tables and other furniture. Along with dirt, insects, food particles and other waste, dust is always around in abundance and one of the leading contributors of indoor allergies.

Dust Mites

Dust itself isn't the only home allergen. Small insects called dust mites are drawn to dust and feed off the flakes of dander and skin left behind by humans and their pets.

Dust mites can also worsen other conditions, like asthma and eczema. The best way to manage them is to clean frequently and use a dehumidifier to ensure that your home's relative humidity level never exceeds 50 percent.


Another side effect of high humidity is mold. Mold thrives in moist, warm places, and you'll often find it growing in closed off areas with poor ventilation, like bathrooms.

Some signs of a mold allergy include sneezing, itchy eyes, dry skin and post-nasal drip.

If you have a mold problem, it's best to call in a professional who can make sure that it's thoroughly cleaned off and killed. The bacteria is persistent, and prolonged exposure can cause or worsen health conditions including asthma, sinusitis and cystic fibrosis.


Many people's worst nightmare is to find a cockroach in their house, and for good reason! They may be downright gross, but did you know that roaches can also trigger allergies?

A cockroach allergy can cause asthma attacks and irritate the nasal passageway. Roaches thrive in all sorts of environments, but they are most often found around sources of food and water. They may be living in kitchen or bathroom pipes, or lurking in basements.

An average female cockroach produces 150 offspring. Where there is one, there are many. If you find roaches anywhere in your home, you should call an exterminator ASAP. Even if some over-the-counter roach killer manages to take out some pests, there are most likely many more hiding somewhere else.

How to Treat Indoor Allergies

There are a few steps you can take to reduce indoor allergies. First, make sure that you clean frequently to cut back on dust and dirt. Second, wash your pets regularly or have them groomed. Keep them off the furniture to prevent pet dander from getting embedded in the fabric.

Wash your bedding at least once every two weeks and be sure to always bathe or shower before getting in bed. You should also switch to hypoallergenic pillows and bedding to stop allergens from getting stuck in your mattress' fibers.

Before you rush out to get a humidifier or dehumidifier, it can be helpful to have a professional assess your home's air quality. If you feel as if your indoor air quality has seen better days, then it’s time to schedule an appointment with {Sub :BusinessName } today. To schedule your service, call us at (954) 228-5965 and a certified technician will pay a visit to your home!
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