AC Vibrating
AC Issues Can Cause Vibrations & Strange Noises
Having an AC unit that is malfunctioning in South Florida is far from an ideal situation. If your air conditioner has started vibrating excessively, shut it off to prevent any further damage to the unit and then give us a call. We will perform a thorough evaluation of your air conditioning system to figure out what is causing the vibrations.
What Causes an Air Conditioner to Start Making Vibrating Noises?
It is important to understand that the South Florida climate not only makes air conditioning an important part of our home life, but the heat and humidity makes it much harder for our air conditioners to run properly and they might need extra attention and servicing. Vibrations may be a sign that the unit needs some maintenance or it may need a thorough cleaning. It will not only stop the vibrating and the noise, but it will allow the unit to run efficiently and keep your home cool for less. The vibrations in the air conditioner could be caused by a mechanical problem such as a fan motor or compressor not working properly and might need to be replaced, the blower wheel or motor fan blade could be out of balance. In some cases, a South Florida rain storm might have caused some leaves and branches to fall inside the fan or motor and that is what is causing the vibrations and strange noises.
We will get to the root of the problem. We do not fix the symptoms causing your air conditioner vibrations, we fix the problem itself. We are fast and efficient and help South Florida home owners’ keep the air conditioning on and cooling efficiently.

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