
Summer Energy Saving Tips

With Florida’s summer temperatures about to be in full effect it is not only important to keep up with your AC unit’s needs, but also remember to practice energy saving to help lower the cost of your utilities. Below are tips & best practices to follow this summer to keep your AC in tip top condition:

Change The Filters!

One of the easiest (and most important) air conditioner tips is to change your air conditioning filter at least 4 times a year. This will ensure that your family is breathing cleaner air and your HVAC system is not being overworked. Replacing the air filters will not only save you energy and money, but it will make for better air being circulated throughout your home.

Use Your Ceiling Fans

Utilizing your ceiling fans, especially throughout the summer months in Florida, can help your home stay cool throughout the summertime. Check your fans and make sure they are blowing the the right direction. During the summertime they should be set to rotate counter-clockwise.

Keep The Heat Out

Keeping the heat out of your home during the summertime is a great way to ensure your home stays cool. Be sure to close all blinds, shades and drapes that cover windows facing the sun. Simply closing the blinds can help cool your home and save energy in turn saving you money!

Don’t Let Heat Build Up

To combat excessive heat, avoid putting lamps or televisions near your AC’s thermostat. These heat generating appliances can cause the thermostat to think the home is warmer than it actually is, resulting in the system running longer than necessary and wasting energy.

Make An Appointment Today!

Don’t get stuck with a malfunctioning AC unit this summer, contact Cousin's Air for a checkup on your AC unit today!

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