Floridians spend 50% of their energy use on air conditioning. That’s a huge energy expenditure that only goes up in the summertime. It’s vital to have an AC unit that works well throughout the entire season. In this blog we’ll explain some ways you can improve the performance of your Ac unit throughout the warmest months of the year.
Lighten the Load
Your AC works in overdrive during the summer months. If it’s going to have a long lifespan, you need to find ways to lower the load it’s bearing. One way to do that is to reduce the amount the outdoors heats up your home.
Direct sunlight entering your windows can heat your home by over ten degrees in a short period of time. Remember to use your blinds and curtains to block out the sun and prevent this. Your air conditioner can only effectively lower the temperature of your home by about 20 degrees. Every degree that you can prevent the space from heating up will be a big help to the unit.
Speaking of direct sunlight, your outdoor condenser unit can face a lot more wear and tear and the sun can cause the system to overheat. Strategic landscaping, awnings or even an umbrella in a pinch and give the outdoor unit some much-needed shade
General Maintenance Tips
Your local HVAC company may only see your AC once or twice a year. The other 360+ days of the year, you’re responsible for what happens to your air conditioner. Luckily, the following good habits you can implement that will improve the performance of your system.
Replace Your Air Filters Every Month
Don’t Fiddle with Your Thermostat Too Much
Consider Weatherizing Your Home to Keep Cool Air In
Ceiling Fans Can Make Your Home Comfortable for Cheap
Try implementing some of these tips and see how they work for you. In the long run, we’re confident that they’ll be a big help to your AC.
Repair or Replace?
If you are noticing your AC struggling to keep up with the higher demands this summer, the question on your mind should be whether to repair or replace your system. We recommend homeowners take the following factors into consideration when making this decision:
Age of Your Current System
Cost of Repair
Performance and Added Efficiency with a New System
Freon Dependence for Your Current System
Age and Cost of Repair
Some AC repairs can be very minimal. A changed out part here or there or a small leak that can be patched up probably isn’t something to consider replacement over. On the other hand, extensive damage might make replacement seem like the more economical choice. A good rule of thumb is to multiply the age of your current system in years by the cost of repair. If a new system costs less than this number, then replacement is a good idea for you.
If the baseline of your current system isn’t cutting it, the only solution might be to replace the unit. A common reason for this is an improperly sized system. We’ve had customers add rooms to their home and suddenly there isn’t great airflow and your AC isn’t cooling the home. In this situation, replacement with brand new system is probably the way to go.
Ongoing costs of your air conditioner is something to consider. While you can expect to pay similar costs for your AC each month, maintenance work may increase in cost over time. One example is the recent change in laws related to freon refrigerant. No new system can use what used to be the industry standard. As supplies decrease the cost of replacing the outdated refrigerant will increase. This is another factor to weigh when you decide between repair and replacement.
Realized you need HVAC maintenance or repair during your spring cleaning? We got you covered! Give us at Cousin's Air, Inc. a call at (954) 228-5965 or fill out an online contact form.