
Do You Believe These Common Indoor Air Quality Myths?


What do you know about air quality? Most of us assume that our air quality at home is better than what we breathe outside, but this isn't always the case. In fact, much of what people assume about indoor air quality (IAQ) isn't true. Read on to learn about some of the most common indoor air quality myths and how you can improve your own.

1. Humidifiers are Always a Good Idea

Although a humidifier can help treat respiratory problems, the relative humidity level in your home will change depending on the season. If you don't change your own indoor levels to reflect this, you could accidentally contribute more moisture into your air, resulting in mold growth and lung irritation. Additionally, bacteria and fungi are also more likely to grow in high humidity. To help combat this, you should always keep your indoor humidity level below 60 percent; the ideal range is between 30 to 50 percent.

2. Indoor Air Quality Won’t Hurt You

You may think that all indoor air is "pure," and improving its quality is only a matter of particular preference. While there are simple benefits to improving your indoor air quality, such as eliminating odor, there are some serious health benefits, too.

Low indoor air quality can worsen allergies and other respiratory diseases. People may begin to suffer from chronic sinusitis if their indoor air quality contains too much bacteria and irritants; long-term exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) may cause liver and kidney damage and even cancer.

By improving your indoor air quality, you're protecting you and your family's health.

3. Your AC Purifies Your Air

While an air filter does catch many pollutants from entering your home, it's designed more to protect your system from dirt and debris. In order to improve your IAQ, you have to take some additional steps that include monitoring your humidity levels and having your whole system regularly cleaned and maintained by a licensed AC professional.

4. Pollution is Only Outside

Central AC units pull air from the outdoors, which means there’s a chance that contaminants, toxins, and other harmful particles are directly pulled into your system. While a lot of pollution is warded off by your air filter, plenty of contaminants may still find their way inside.

Just by walking inside your home, you bring in bacteria, viruses, and other forms of air pollution every day. Pet dander and dust also largely contribute to respiratory irritation. Also, if you don't change your air filter regularly, it becomes ineffective, which means your family is being exposed to unfiltered air.

5. Your Air Ducts Don’t Need to be Cleaned

Many people don't realize that their central AC ducts need to be cleaned. Although they do not require frequent maintenance, you should still have them checked at least once a year. Dust, dirt, and even mold can start to collect on the duct walls, and the spores are vented directly into your home.

A professional ductwork cleaning can also be done with a mold and moisture-resistant sealant, ensuring that harmful contaminants don't linger undetected in your system.

One of the Most Effective Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

The best way to improve your indoor air quality is to work with a professional AC technician. We can help you learn more about your air quality and identify the greatest threats to your indoor air quality before offering personalized solutions.

If you feel as though your indoor air quality has seen better days, then it’s time to schedule an appointment with Cousin's Air, Inc. today. To schedule your service, call us at (954) 228-5965 and a certified technician will pay a visit to your home!

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