
DTE Energy Posts Money-Saving Summer Cooling Tips

DTE Energy Co., a Detroit-based utility provider, recently issued a press release aimed at the 2.1 million customers it serves in Southeastern Michigan.  In addition to warning people of the dangers of heat related-illnesses, it also offered them helpful hints on how to save money when the mercury rises. Here’s what they had to say:

  • Raise your thermostat setting. For every degree above 72 degree, you’re cooling costs will fall up to 3 percent.  But be careful not to take it too far. A degree or two is fine. But you certainly shouldn’t increase it to 80 degrees during a heat wave…that would be dangerous!
  • Clean or replace your furnace filter at least once a month.  Dirty, clogged filters restrict airflow and force air cooling systems to work harder, i.e., use more energy, which results in higher energy bills.
  • Because they use only a fraction of the energy air conditioners do, ceiling fans should be used in conjunction with the A/C.  When coordinated correctly, they may allow you to turn down the setting on your cooling system, which will save you money.
  • Close blinds, shades, and drapes on windows that face the sun to prevent heat transfer into your home.
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